Factors associated with mathematics and emotional intelligence in engineering students
Learning, high school, socio-scholastic, pre-calculus, problemsAbstract
The objective of this research is to quantify the relationship between emotional intelligence and performance in mathematics (numerical-variational thinking and geometric-metric thinking) in first-year engineering students at the Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo located in the state of Sonora, Mexico. The research is supported by the theory of emotional intelligence of Reuven Bar-On and in the “Mathematical Knowledge and Skills Test” with reference framework of the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education. The methodology is quantitative. Linear correlation was applied to find the degree of relationship between the variables emotional intelligence and mathematics; through the one-way analysis of variance, the socio-school context factors associated with performance in mathematics and emotional intelligence were determined; and with the cluster analysis of K-means, the profiles of the student were generated by performance in mathematics: acceptable, intermediate and deficient; the finding concluded implies that the schooling of the student’s mother, the student’s general high school average and the school of origin are related to numerical-variational and geometric-metric thoughts; the finding of a weak relationship between emotional intelligence with numerical-variational and geometric-metric thoughts is also concluded.
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