Mixed paradigms: interpretative and critical in studies about climate change. A route to co-build social resilience
social resilience, climate change, vulnerability, environmental education, mixed paradigmsAbstract
In this paper, we expose the relevance of integrating two research paradigms to analyze vulnerability and social resilience facing climate change (CC) impacts, through a reflexive study. The research was developed in two stages: the first from the interpretative paradigm, and the second from the critical one. A mixed methodology was used. The first stage covered a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews; in the second stage, the work was developed through participatory workshops and focus groups. In the second stage, spaces were opened to detonate and manage social resilience actions against CC consequences, mainly floods aggravated by hydrometeorological phenomena in three localities of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. High school students and teachers participated and the results reveal that the integration of the aforementioned paradigms is relevant both to know and analyze the situation of vulnerability and social resilience from the school contexts defined in each locality, as well as to contribute to detonating, in a young population, participatory and committed actions with its community in matters of vulnerability to the impacts of the CC, seeking to move towards social resilience facing CC, in response to the current challenges of environmental education in the face of this phenomenon.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Gloria Elena Cruz Sánchez, Ana Lucía Maldonado González, Laura Odila Bello Benavides
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