The congress as an object of study. Co-authorships’ analysis of the Congreso de Investigación Educativa in Chihuahua 2016 and 2018




educational research, social network analysis, academic congress


The Educational Research Congress in Chihuahua (CIECH) has been taken as the object of study in this article. First, some aspects about academic communities in the educational research field are pointed out. Afterwards, some Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques are used in order to set the relationships among authors according to their co-authorships and the interinstitutional relationships based on the institutional affiliation of authors. The actors with the most degree of centrality in the authors’ network, the most intense co-authorships’ relations and the principal interinstitutional links are shown. Finally, a strain between interinstitutional and inbreed links (co-authorship among authors members of the same institutions) is observed, which raises the Clark’s idea of a permanent straining between centrifugal and centripetal forces.

Author Biography

Juan Carlos López García, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Lerma, Toluca, Estado de México

Juan Carlos López García. Profesor-investigador del Departamento de Estudios Culturales de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Lerma, Toluca, Estado de México. Es sociólogo y maestro en Estudios Políticos y Sociales por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Miembro del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa (Comie). Ha colaborado como docente e investigador en distintos proyectos e instituciones de educación superior. Sus líneas de investigación son: internacionalización y endogamia de los académicos mexicanos, redes y comunidades académicas en el campo de la investigación educativa en México, políticas de evaluación en la educación superior y gobierno universitario.


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How to Cite

López García, J. C. (2019). The congress as an object of study. Co-authorships’ analysis of the Congreso de Investigación Educativa in Chihuahua 2016 and 2018. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 10(19), 155 - 171.