Knowledge of knowledge: the work of Edgar Morin and the problem of Mexican education


  • Ma. Guadalupe Álvarez Nieto Servicios Educativos Integrados al Estado de México / Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de México



education, teaching, knowledge, complex thinking, teacher professionalization


This article relates aspects of Morin’s epistemological thought to the problems faced by basic education, especially the permanent learning of teachers. The objective of the work is to reflect on the cognitive responsibilities of all teachers, as this is considered a key element of education. Also, to see professionalization as a possibility for lifelong learning, and thus establish the basis for designing a cognitive framework that, in line with the circumstances of teaching practice in basic education, confronts and transforms those circumstances. The axial idea of the article holds that education can promote learning with which the subject is able to subject his own knowledge to criticism and detect cognitive errors and illusions. Initially, the text exposes a brief problematization of Mexican education; later, questions the notions of knowledge prevailing in the educational system. Subsequently, he analyzes the epistemological challenge of complexity and reflects on the fragmentary nature of the educational culture. Finally, it glimpses at the systemic vision of Morin and formulates some conclusions that, really, try to open possibilities to the study of his work, applied to the professionalization of the teachers.

Author Biography

Ma. Guadalupe Álvarez Nieto, Servicios Educativos Integrados al Estado de México / Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de México

Maestra en Orientación Educativa y Asesoría Profesional. Adscrita a Servicios Educativos Integrados al Estado de México (SEIEM) como integrante del equipo técnico de la Dirección de Educación Secundaria y Servicios de Apoyo (DESySA). Catedrática de la Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de México (ENSEM). Estudiante del doctorado en Pensamiento Complejo, Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin.



How to Cite

Álvarez Nieto, M. G. (2016). Knowledge of knowledge: the work of Edgar Morin and the problem of Mexican education. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 7(13), 6 - 20.