Teachers’ strategies for research instruction in an initial teacher preparation program
Factor analysis, educational digital technology, surveys, university studentsAbstract
Teacher training programs emphasize the development of research skills. This article presents the results of a case study that aims to know the strategies teachers use to teach research in an initial preparation program in the State of Sonora, Mexico. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 teachers from subjects that emphasize the development of research skills. The results show that teachers focus their strategies on raising students’ awareness to engage in research and on the gradual presentation of content. The main skills promoted are the proper handling of information and written communication. Within the courses, implementation projects are carried out, prioritizing action research, while the thesis are focused on another type of research. A lack of clarity is identified among teachers regarding how to assess research-related skills. Teachers are aware of the learning objectives regarding research, which is one of their strengths; however, there is a need to improve the planning process for teaching research and prioritize the deliberate design of teaching strategies over actions guided by curriculum content.
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