Knowledge transfer model to link higher education institutions in social sciences and humanities with social entities
Knowledge transfer, knowledge transfer models, academic bonding, social sciences, humanitiesAbstract
In the search to demonstrate the practical utility of social sciences and humanities (SCH) in various contexts, the present work proposes the objective of defining the characteristics of a knowledge transfer (KT) model in higher education institutions of SCH in relationship with social entities. To accomplish the aforementioned, a qualitative type research was carried out through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with experts, teachers and representatives of social entities, from whose analyzed data was possible to derive a series of features on forms of execution of KT processes, as well as the characterization of an objective model that adequately encourages KT for SCH in relation to other social entities. Among the elements derived from this model is the recognition of the following elements: initiating/receiving agent, project identification, linking, definition and identification of needs, incentives and barriers, activity plan, evaluation and good practices.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Erslem Armendáriz-Núñez, Javier Tarango, Juan D. Machin-Mastromatteo
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