Assessment and analysis of the MS Teams platform in care of university students with hearing disabilities: Digital strategy adopted during the Covid-19 confinement
Communication platform, engineering, people with hearing disability, reasonable accommodationsAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic not only mobilized the sanitary and health fields, for the Universities also had to rethink and adopt emerging measures that could enable to continue with the educational programs without affecting the members of the schooling process; that is why several institutions decided to adopt digital platforms in which they could teach virtual classes, however, not all of them have the accessibility required by a student with disability. This paper analyzes the viability of the MS Teams platform as an educational strategy adopted by the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León as an emerging measure to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through a case study were obtained the perspective of five deft students, who are part of the inclusion program of the Mechanical and Electrician Engineering School. The results obtained show the way in which students with hearing disabilities make accessible their class by themselves, either with the use of technological tools and even extracurricular work to implement subtitles in recorded sessions, so they can be reviewed later. The conclusions allow us to identify an opportunity area in the analysis of streaming and remote work platforms used as emerging measure during the pandemic...
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dina Elizabeth Cortes Coss, Agustín Cortes Coss
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