Utility and perceived ease of use: technological challenges of a b-learning modality
higher education, instructional design, teaching-learning process, learning management systems, information and communication technologiesAbstract
Faced with the ever increasing demand for enrollment in Higher Education in Mexico, educational institutions have set out to find options that allow optimizing spaces and taking advantage of existing resources; the use of a learning management system to complement the teaching-learning process is a very valuable technological tool for this purpose. Being successful in implementing a technology-supported study modality implies great challenges, among them that the proposed technology is accepted, and that users find ease of use in it. This document shows the results of an investigation aimed to determine the technological acceptance and perceived ease of use of a learning management system for a b-learning modality, used as a pilot test in pre-university students of the Facultad de Contaduría y Administración C-I at the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, in Mexico. For this, the non-experimental mixed approach was used, with an exploratory-type cross-sectional design; the Technological Acceptance Model was used to elaborate the instrument. The results show a positive trend towards acceptance of the proposed technology, but with areas of improvement in terms of perceived utility.
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