Inclusion and interculturality for the Deaf Culture: paths followed and pending challenges




culture, deafness, interculturality, education, inclusion


This research, conducted in Chile, focuses on the intercultural education of the Deaf. It aims to recognize common and divergent elements that influence in the dialogic relationship between the hearing and Deaf culture. This work exposes an analysis of the theoretical background that explains the subordinate reality of this culture in the country, where most of the students attend a regular school with School Integration Programs. Besides, it delves into central concepts of intercultural education in a Deaf cultural context. They guide an empirical research conducted in the Santiago metropolitan region, whose objective was to identify the most outstanding elements of the relationship between Deaf and hearing students in a school with the School Integration Program that pursue the development of an intercultural project. This study takes into account an ethno methodological design and is interested in the social action between the Deaf and hearing culture. This field research integrates non participant observations and focus groups. Its results confirm the presence of some elements that favour the intercultural relation inside the classroom, which are affected by the communicative modality in both groups. They appear as a consequence of the lack of public policies to guarantee the linguistic rights of the Deaf students.

Author Biography

Carolina Alejandra Becerra Sepúlveda, Universidad Mayor, Chile

Carolina Alejandra Becerra Sepúlveda. Profesora-Investigadora de la Carrera Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial, Escuela de Educación de la Universidad Mayor, Chile. Es doctora en Educación y cuenta con especialidad en Interculturalidad por la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Ha trabajado como profesora de aula en proyectos de integración escolar y como directora en escuelas especiales en Chile. Actualmente se desempeña como investigadora y académico en programas de pre y post grado para carreras de educación. Ha prestado asesoría para la institución de políticas públicas en Chile. Autora de múltiples investigaciones en el área. Expositora en congreso de Psicología Educacional, Interculturalidad, Inclusión y Educación especial.


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How to Cite

Becerra Sepúlveda, C. A. (2020). Inclusion and interculturality for the Deaf Culture: paths followed and pending challenges. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 11, e792.