Model focused on Technology Enhanced Learning for the externalization of knowledge for teaching effectiveness
Tacit knowledge, externalization, learning strategies, Technology Enhanced LearningAbstract
Externalization and management of knowledge is a recurring research topic of significant importance in the educational field. Its approach was part of the work of philosophers in Plato’s time and continues to this day. In this article, it was considered to resume the theme, starting from the generation of a model focused on Technology Enhanced Learning for the externalization of knowledge that had the objective of supporting teachers who teach the preparatory courses, specifically in the subject of Programming at the Informatics Faculty of Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, through the externalization of the tacit knowledge of expert professors in the area of Programming of the Faculty, identifying learning strategies and tools based on information and communication technologies that support the teaching-learning process with the purpose of fulfilling the learning objectives that are proposed for each specific topic in the propaedeutic course. From the implementation of the generated model favorable results were obtained like improvement in the teaching practice on teachers and increment in knowledge acquired by students, achieving the objectives set out in the subject with greater extent.
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