Identification and integration of online learning types. Postgraduate student experiences




Virtual learning, virtual education, postgraduate students


This study was developed to investigate how online learning was identified and integrated from the experiences of graduate students. Qualitative methodology was used, as well as the empirical-analytical method supported by the grounded theory. The sample was non-probabilistic. It included master’s and doctoral students, who underwent semi-structured individual interviews. The results showed that some important features of the online sessions were flexibility, self-paced learning, the ability to review and search for information in real time, and accessibility for teachers. An example of this was the recordings of online classes, which were very useful learning resources that supported flexible and remote learning. The results indicated that the online learning integration was a mixture of knowledge and experiences, through the integration of autonomous, meaningful and collaborative learning. It is concluded that the findings can help to understand the integration of online learning, which favors teachers and managers of postgraduate institutions in decision-making regarding its implementation.

Author Biography

José de Jesús Peinado Camacho, Centro de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México

Es Doctor en Ciencias Administrativas. Entre sus publicaciones recientes se encuentran los artículos “Uso de herramientas digitales y competencias de investigación en estudiantes de posgrado” y “Hacia la equidad de género en el posgrado en México”. Actualmente es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores, Nivel 1; miembro del Colegio de Profesores del CIITec, profesor del Sistema de Educación a Distancia Polivirtual del IPN y coordinador de los Seminarios Departamentales del CIITec.


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How to Cite

Peinado Camacho, J. de J. (2023). Identification and integration of online learning types. Postgraduate student experiences. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 14, e1780.