Assessment literacy. A diagnostic in basic education teachers in Mexico
Basic education, classroom assessment, formative assessment, learning assessment, literacy, teachersAbstract
Teachers require solid training in evaluation to carry out this activity in the classroom. In this study, an instrument was applied to find out through self-report the level of knowledge and basic education skills of teachers regarding evaluation, identify if there are differences between the dimensions evaluated, and analyze if there are differences depending on the years of experience, training received, age, academic training, economic conditions and educational level attended, as well as to identify predictor variables of evaluative literacy. The results indicate that teachers’ literacy level is above the average, the formative evaluation and the use of the evaluation showed better results and the statistically significant differences are related to the years of experience, hours of training, economic level and age of teachers. Training, economic conditions and age were the predictor variables. It can be concluded that teacher training is a fundamental aspect. It is recommended to carry out qualitative studies that complement the vision of this topic.
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