The gender stereotypes in the student body




Student body, education, stereotypes, gender perspective


Gender stereotypes are schemes which limit the behavior of persons according to their sex; they lead the actions and decisions of the persons who are influenced by the context in which they develop, including the educative-institutional one. They affect everyone who participates in the educational community; as a result, in this context there are issues that women and men go through due to the sole fact of being so, giving place to the normalization and distinction due to gender. In this article we describe how these conceptions influence the cognitive processes (what one believes one knows), skills (abilities one thinks one has), and performance (how one thinks one must act) in the student body of the degree program of the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. The study made is empirical with mixed methodology with structured data in a centesimal scale made up of 150 students. The objective is to show which actions the student body considers correspond to the men and which to the women. Among the conclusions it’s found that, according to the evidence, although there is gender perspective in their answers, there are still ingrained stereotypes that hinder the equality of social-academic opportunities...

Author Biography

Gisela García Garza, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, México

Es Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación; Maestra en Docencia por la Universidad Autónoma del Noreste y especialista en género y derechos humanos. Arquitecta, Licenciada en Diseño Gráfico y Licenciada en Arquitectura por la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Actualmente Coordinadora de Licenciatura en Derecho con perspectiva en Derechos Humanos en la Academia Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.


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How to Cite

García Garza, G. (2022). The gender stereotypes in the student body. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 13, e1574.