FFYL BUAP teachers’ work conditions before and during confinement by COVID-19
Teachers, higher education, work conditions, teacher evaluation, COVID-19Abstract
The objective of this research is to analyze the differences in the perception of university professors about their work conditions before and during the confinement caused by COVID-19, for which we used a descriptive-comparative cross-sectional non-experimental quantitative design. The sample consisted of 63 professors from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the BUAP, 43% of the total, so the results have a confidence level of 90% with a margin of error of 8%. The theoretical model and the Work Conditions questionnaire by Blanch, Sahagún and Cervantes (2010) were used as a basis, where conditions are configured around the relationship between three dyads: Organization and method, Organization and environment, and Organization and person. The dyad in which there were the greatest significant differences was Organization and method, and the three factors that underwent significant changes were time work (schedules, shifts, rhythms, breaks, etc.), general work organization, and workload. In general, it can be affirmed that, according to the perception of the teachers, the Faculty management staff favors the development of work in optimal conditions, even in times of confinement.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Delia Jiménez Ahumada, Karla Villaseñor Palma, Alfonso Cano Robles
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