Academic reading in researchers training: The pedagogical function of the thesis supervisor




Postgraduates, scientific research, reading, educational guidance, supervisors


The educational path of doctoral students to carry out their research is accompanied by complex academic reading processes; however, there is scarce research that carries out an analysis in this regard, and about the pedagogical function the thesis supervisor can perform to promote the development of this type of reading. Given this situation, in this essay, based on an analysis of studies that focus or are like this topic, the challenges that doctoral students need to face when carrying out different types of reading according to the different processes of their research are made visible. Likewise, pedagogical resources that can be applied by thesis supervisors are addressed to contribute to the development of an academic reading focused on research, in which the training process of the doctoral student is considered. In addition to this, the need to carry out studies that allow a greater understanding of the academic reading processes of the doctoral students is pointed out, as well as the development of systematized pedagogical strategies that the thesis supervisor can apply to favor them, in accordance with the training process of the student and his disciplinary field.

Author Biographies

Mercedes Zanotto González, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Es Doctora en Psicología de la Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España. Académica de tiempo completo en la Dirección General de Orientación y Atención Educativa de la UNAM. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel 1. Docente externo del Doctorado en Educación (PNPC 005361) de la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. Integrante del Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigación en Estrategias de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Barcelona. Es Asociado Titular del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa (COMIE A.C.).

Alejandra Platas-García, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México

Es Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP). Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel Candidata, y del Padrón de Investigadores de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado, BUAP. Entre sus publicaciones recientes se encuentra el artículo “Reading comprehension as a complex phenomenon: An approach based on assessment, inference, and foreign language” (2020, en coautoría con José Martín Castro-Manzano y Verónica Reyes-Meza).


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How to Cite

Zanotto González, M., & Platas-García, A. (2022). Academic reading in researchers training: The pedagogical function of the thesis supervisor. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 13, e1427.

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