Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Enero-diciembre

Standardized assessment in teachers

Mireya Ramos Barba
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, campus Delicias, México
Guadalupe Iván Martínez Chairez
Escuela Normal Rural Ricardo Flores Magón, Chihuahua, México

Published 2020-12-20


  • Proceso,
  • evaluación docente,
  • repercusiones
  • Process,
  • teacher assessment,
  • repercussions

How to Cite

Ramos Barba, M., & Martínez Chairez, G. I. (2020). Standardized assessment in teachers. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 5(1), 373-385. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v5i1.983


This research is carried out under a qualitative method, with a phenomenological design, using interview as technique, through recordings of anecdotes and experiences of teachers who have been assessed. The main research question is: What are the repercussions of a standardized assessment in the personal area, based on the experience of the teachers who have been assessed? Among the results found stands out that teachers consider that the assessment was an instrument that sought to purge the teaching staff and provide opportunities for other teaching related professions to enter the teaching practice; the label assigned to them based on the score obtained was punitive, in the sense that it did not respect the working conditions of those who were called upon to be part of the process. They also consider that only the theoretical part was taken into account, the practical one was not considered, at least not realistically, because of the ease of retouching the products that were requested at their own convenience, by prioritizing and showing only the successful part of the reality. On the other hand, although what was asked of them was something inherent to their practice, having to face the anxiety of losing their job, social or economic status shifted their comfort zone and stability, so their personal environment was significantly damaged, physically, mentally, and emotionally.


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