Predictive validity of the Instrument for the high school’s admissions diagnostic assessment
Published 2017-01-02
- Validez,
- predicción,
- instrumento,
- bachillerato
- Validity,
- prediction,
- instrument,
- high school
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At a national level and in particular the Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Durango (CECyTED), invests significant resources in the application of the Diagnostic Assessment Instrument for Admission to high school in the test and retest modality of Mathematical Skill (MS) and reading ability (RA), A study was done with the aim of measuring its predictive validity, since there is no evidence that the test has been subject to measurement of its psychometric properties.
To validate the instrument, the score obtained by a selected sample of 34 aspirants of new entrance to this academic level was used, having as a predictive variable the score of their average grades obtained in the secondary school (PPROSEC) and as criterion variables; the average score of their grade obtained in the first semester of high school (PPROMB); the first to determine the predictive validity of the Instrument retrospectively and the second one prospectively. The process of analysis of the information included normality, correlation and simple linear regression tests that were performed with the use of the SPSS program. The end result obtained verified the criterion validity of the MS Instrument because its test and retest scores are retrospective predictors of the PPROMS score; while the criterion validity of the RA Instrument was merely confirmed for the retest.
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