Vol. 6 (2022): RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa (enero-diciembre)
B) Diversidad, interculturalidad, género y sustentabilidad en la educación

Inequalities and gender differences that promote the digital gender gap and limit the digital inclusion of women nowadays

Iris Cristina Peláez-Sánchez
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Leonardo David Glasserman-Morales
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México

Published 2022-12-21


  • Brecha digital,
  • desigualdad social,
  • género,
  • inclusión social,
  • mujeres
  • Digital gap,
  • social inequality,
  • gender,
  • social inclusion,
  • women

How to Cite

Peláez-Sánchez, I. C., & Glasserman-Morales, L. D. (2022). Inequalities and gender differences that promote the digital gender gap and limit the digital inclusion of women nowadays. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 6, e1758. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v6i0.1758


The gender digital divide (GDB) is a phenomenon that explicitly limits women in the digital world. The GDB shows inequalities of access, use, and appropriation of women’s information and communication technologies (ICTs) regarding their peers, therefore, it is necessary to identify the various barriers and inequalities that continue to immerse women in this digital divide. In addition, this multidimensional phenomenon externalizes the differences between the use and appropriation of ICTs between men and women, which affects their integration into the digital world in various areas: social, educational, and labor, among others. The study is a literature review that seeks to identify the main differences and inequalities related to GDD and women’s digital inclusion through a documentary analysis with qualitative data through Maxqda. The results show that there is still a predominant barrier to this phenomenon, gender stereotypes and roles that submerge women in digital exclusion. In addition, differences were identified in: a) interaction and use of ICTs and b) attitude and interest towards ICT.


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