Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Enero-diciembre

Conflict resolution: a training strategy towards coexistence for peace

Sara Torres-Hernández
Centro Chihuahuense de Estudios de Posgrado, México
Kenia Janeth Mares López
Centro de Desarrollo Integral Infantil, Zona Sur, Chihuahua, México

Published 2020-12-20


  • Convivencia pacífica,
  • Conflictos escolares,
  • educación para la convivencia,
  • asertividad,
  • educación emocional
  • Peaceful coexistence,
  • school conflicts,
  • education for coexistence,
  • assertiveness,
  • emotional education

How to Cite

Torres-Hernández, S., & Mares López, K. J. (2020). Conflict resolution: a training strategy towards coexistence for peace. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 5(1), 119-128. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v5i1.1044


This intervention proposition offers to look at school conflicts as an opportunity for learning to transform coexistence in a positive manner. Even though individuals learn to coexist in their homes, if we wish to create peace, it is required for it to be worked within the classroom; this can be achieved by highlighting positive factors that enable change and learning to resolve the differences between those involved. This project favors learning environments, by promoting healthy coexistence through diverse strategies for positive conflict resolution and promoting social-emotional abilities. This topic was approached from a socio-critical paradigm, based on action research, in other words, getting involved in what is desired to transform; for the diagnosis and evaluation of the strategies, techniques such as observation, polls, interviews, and tests applied by teachers were implemented. Low self-esteem within the students was found, and that neither students nor teachers knew how to face or resolve conflicts. To attend this reality, twelve social-oriented skills activities were applied; intrapersonal intelligence was promoted, and diverse conflict resolution strategies were used, in which teachers, students, and elementary education family leaders were involved. The results were positive, the participants demonstrated changes in their way of developing socially, their attitude and more positive ways of thinking, which resulted in an improvement in healthy coexistence by appreciating the conflict as an opportunity to learn from others.


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