Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): Enero-diciembre
B) Diversidad, interculturalidad, género y sustentabilidad en la educación

Didactic strategy for the development of energy diagnosis

David Alejandro Sifuentes Godoy
Universidad Tecnológica de Durango, México
Estrella Yareli Martínez Arreola
Universidad Tecnológica de Durango, México
Giovanni Ari Berumen Ramírez
Universidad Tecnológica de Durango, México

Published 2017-01-02


  • Teaching strategy,
  • diagnosis
  • Estrategia de enseñanza,
  • diagnóstico

How to Cite

Sifuentes Godoy, D. A., Martínez Arreola, E. Y., & Berumen Ramírez, G. A. (2017). Didactic strategy for the development of energy diagnosis. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 3(2), 901-911. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v3i2.503


The following document describes the design and implementation of a didactic strategy to do an electrical energy diagnosis. The project surges due to constant students’ inquiries of the Technological University of Durango regarding the steps to follow to make an electrical energy diagnosis, what do I look at? What do I ask? What do I measure? How do I move from one diagnosis to another? Lastly, these and other inquiries leave uncertainty in the student making an energy project. To design this methodology the existent literature about energy, energy management systems, national and international normative and the 10 didactic strategies of Frola and Velazquez (2011) were analyzed. The structure of the strategy called DESMG consists of two stages, two diagrams, and14 formats, that are evidence and back up of energy diagnosis. The implementation was made by students of the 5thsemester of the bachelors in renewable energy.
After the application of stage 1, 10 similar problems were obtained that gave rise to the stage 2 which lasted 10 days. The information obtained allowed us to declare the problem to solve itself, which focused on two relevant points: electrical installation and lighting. The methodology clarified the activities to be carried out, generated certainty in the student since their proposals were supported by a series of documented evidencethat would serve them for the elaboration of their sustainable energy project.


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