Validity and consistency of a questionnaire that measures: factors associated with health, academic and professional performance of medical residents of Mexico
Published 2019-01-07
- Validez de contenido,
- consistencia interna,
- factores asociados a la salud,
- desempeño académico,
- médicos residentes
- Content validity,
- internal consistency,
- factors associated with health,
- academic performance,
- resident doctors
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Even when there are different means to measure the quality of an instrument, there is few information on validated instruments that measure: factors associated with health, academic and professional performance of resident physicians. The objective was to estimate the validity and reliability of an instrument that measures these factors. A questionnaire was designed with 109 items obtained from a systematic review of various questionnaires. Content validity was through Expert Judgment. Sending to 20 experienced experts, following the Career procedure (2003 in 2011). Likewise, it was applied to a pilot group of 16 resident physicians to measure reliability and consistency using Alpha de Cronbach (Hernández-Sampieri et al., 2013). The results of the expert judgment analysis showed that 21 items had to be modified because they presented indexes of univocity and relevance of ≤.79 and ≥.60. One item was eliminated because it presented values of ≤.59. With respect to the results of the consistency analysis, 64 items were modified by presenting item-total correlation values of <30. In the same way, six items were eliminated because they presented negative values. Cronbach's alpha was 0.82. Therefore, it was necessary to apply it to a larger population of 212 resident physicians, obtaining an α = 0.94. Conclusion: There is a valid questionnaire, with a good internal consistency that allows objectively measuring the factors associated with health that affect the academic and professional performance of resident physicians.