Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Enero-diciembre
E) Procesos de formación y actores de la educación

Experiences of teachers and students of upper secondary education on effective teaching

Claudia Selene Tapia Ruelas
Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México
María Luisa Madueño Serrano
Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México
Leonel Alberto Valdez Corral
Instituto Sonorense de Educación para Adultos, México
Recie 4-1

Published 2018-09-20


  • Enseñanza eficaz,
  • educación media superior,
  • perfil docente
  • Effective teaching,
  • higher secondary education,
  • teacher profile

How to Cite

Tapia Ruelas, C. S., Madueño Serrano, M. L., & Valdez Corral, L. A. (2018). Experiences of teachers and students of upper secondary education on effective teaching. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 4(1), 619-636. Retrieved from https://rediech.org/ojs/2017/index.php/recie/article/view/427


A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted with the objective of describing the experiences of teachers and students of upper secondary education on effective teaching in the State of Sonora, Mexico. A total of 6 teachers and 22 students participated. Through a guide of topics, two topics were explored, which were answered through the written composition technique: a) personal characteristics that good teachers consider and b) Activities performed by good teachers, understanding as good teachers those who achieve In addition to learning a positive impact on the lives of their students. The results were obtained by means of the free text analysis technique. The main categories of effective teaching resulted in nine, in relation to the students' experience: Varied activities, Explains clearly, Strict, Understandable, Kind, Friendly, Responsible, Friendly and Respectful. And the results of the teachers the following ten categories: Mastery of the subject, varied activities, Preparation, Love of the profession, Patience, Insurance, Organized, Concern for the student, Responsible and Tolerant. From the comparison between teachers and students it was obtained that they coincide in varied activities and be responsible. It is concluded that in this study it is more important to perceive dynamism within the classes, with fun and varied activities for the students, also that the teacher clearly explains and attitudes and values ​​are added; The teacher also adds the mastery of the subject, teacher preparation, being organized and love of the profession.