Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): Enero-diciembre
E) Procesos de formación y actores de la educación

Process of professional formation and musical consumption

Hermila Loya Chávez
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, México
Juan Tenorio Urbina
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, Campus Chihuahua, México
José Antonio Ávila Quevedo
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, Campus Cuauhtémoc, México

Published 2019-01-07


  • Consumption,
  • music,
  • professional training,
  • discourse analysis
  • Consumo,
  • música,
  • formación profesional,
  • análisis del discurso

How to Cite

Loya Chávez, H., Tenorio Urbina, J., & Ávila Quevedo, J. A. (2019). Process of professional formation and musical consumption. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 4(2), 1107-1117. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v4i2.420


It constitutes a partial report of a phenomenological approach of descriptive type, whose purpose is to identify and analyze the musical consumption of university students in the area of education, as a reference of their sociocultural reality and educational transformation in the context of a public universty. The report presents the general contents of the lyrics of the songs they listen to the most, the way they do it and their razons, all in the temporality of the investigation that is the year 2017. Likewise, there were relations with the development of profesional training in the area of education. In order to obtein data, survey was generated and applied and inquiries were made in focus groups composed  of the students of the degree program in educational intervention.