Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Enero-diciembre
E) Procesos de formación y actores de la educación

The working conditions of teachers and their relationship with their job satisfaction

Daniel Alarcón Nakamura
Centro de Investigación y Docencia, Chihuahua, México
Claudia Celina Gaytán Díaz
Centro de Investigación y Docencia de Chihuahua, México
Salvador Ruiz López
Centro de Investigación y Docencia de Chihuahua, México
Recie 4-1

Published 2018-09-20


  • Satisfacción en el trabajo,
  • condiciones de trabajo
  • Satisfaction at work,
  • working conditions

How to Cite

Alarcón Nakamura, D., Gaytán Díaz, C. C., & Ruiz López, S. (2018). The working conditions of teachers and their relationship with their job satisfaction. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 4(1), 503-513. Retrieved from https://rediech.org/ojs/2017/index.php/recie/article/view/350


This study presents the results on the opinions of primary school teachers in the municipalities of Ahumada, Chihuahua and Juárez in relation to their perception of job satisfaction and the working conditions that accompany them, given that according to the literature the teacher's performance is due to different organizational, normative and personal variables that impact on satisfaction and well-being and at the same time are related to job performance and as a result is reflected in the working conditions of teachers. They are the results of a quantitative study, with the survey method, applied to teachers of federalized and state primary schools in the municipalities of Chihuahua, Juárez and Ahumada, presented in an analysis using the multiple linear regression method that allows to establish a relationship that occurs between a dependent variable and a set of independent variables. We can find among the results obtained that the working conditions are systematically related to the obligations and rights of the teachers, from which they reflect their performance in their daily work in the occurrence of their schools.