Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Enero-diciembre
D) Currículum, conocimientos y prácticas educativas

Didactic sequence to graph the circumference with center at the origin

Oscar Enrique Callejas Melgoza
TecNM: Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, México
María Guadalupe Amado Moreno
TecNM: Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, México
Ángel García Velázquez
TecNM: Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, México
Recie 4-1

Published 2018-09-20


  • Secuencia didáctica,
  • Winplot,
  • circunferencia con centro en el origen,
  • geometría analítica
  • Didactic sequence,
  • Winplot,
  • circumference with center in the origin,
  • analytical geometry

How to Cite

Callejas Melgoza, O. E., Amado Moreno, M. G., & García Velázquez, Ángel. (2018). Didactic sequence to graph the circumference with center at the origin. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 4(1), 203-211. Retrieved from https://rediech.org/ojs/2017/index.php/recie/article/view/331


The objective of this work was to design and apply a didactic sequence to graph and identify the main characteristics of the circle with center at the origin using paper and pencil, manageable material and Winplot. The method consisted of an intervention in which the didactic sequence was applied in a group of high school students at the Bachelor degree, in the state of Baja California, in the subject of Analytical Geometry. The results of applying a didactic sequence that contains traditional teaching activities (paper and pencil), manageable material and Winplot favored the students learning, standing out that when operating the software it was faster, entertaining, simple and practical to identify the main characteristics of the circumference with center at the origin. With the application of the didactic sequence, the socio-emotional part of the student was stimulated, favoring cognitive and collaborative learning through the didactic situation.