Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Enero-diciembre
G) Valores, convivencia, disciplina y violencia en la educación

Perception of the normalist faculty on inclusive values in the institution

Pedro Covarrubias Pizarro
Asesor independiente, Chihuahua, México
Emma Lilia Armendáriz Martínez
Institución Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de Chihuahua, México
Claudia Selene Garibay Moreno
Institución Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de Chihuahua, México
Recie 4-1

Published 2018-09-20


  • Valores,
  • inclusión
  • Values,
  • inclusión

How to Cite

Covarrubias Pizarro, P., Armendáriz Martínez, E. L., & Garibay Moreno, C. S. (2018). Perception of the normalist faculty on inclusive values in the institution. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 4(1), 763-774. Retrieved from https://rediech.org/ojs/2017/index.php/recie/article/view/297


In this press release we present the results obtained by an investigation carried out in the Normal School of the State of Chihuahua, where the perception of the inclusive values lived in the center was inquired with the faculty of the institution. The project is part of a more comprehensive investigation in which the three dimensions of inclusion are investigated: cultures, policies and practices, however, for the purposes of the present, the results were limited to the value component, which is part of the dimension of inclusive culture. Through the use of a quantitative instrument and the statistical program SPSS, the findings were obtained, which were identified, among other things, sensitive aspects that have not been overcome in school as the acceptance of sexual diversity of students and the issue of support for students with disabilities. The results show that teachers perceive that these two issues are mainly those that should be considered in terms of inclusive values ​​to consolidate international and national demand to work with equity and respect for diversity.