The relevance of promoting self-regulated learning in secondary school adolescents with learning difficulties attending a tutoring program
Published 2024-12-31
- Adolescents,
- self-regulated learning,
- secondary education,
- learning difficulties,
- tutoring
- Adolescentes,
- aprendizaje autorregulado,
- educación secundaria,
- problemas de aprendizaje,
- tutoría
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The objective of this study is to explain the importance of self-regulated learning strategies in fostering more autonomous learners by describing tutoring work with adolescents aged 11 to 14 who exhibit characteristics of learning difficulties. This research follows a qualitative case study design, employing document analysis, participant observation, and personal and group logs. The findings indicate that the way students approach academic tasks is influenced by the activity of pre-service tutors, who, in turn, develop scaffolding strategies as part of their professional practice, thereby fostering self-regulated learning. In conclusion, tutoring sessions focused on addressing academic challenges enable students with various learning difficulties to develop autonomy in their learning, expanding their self-regulation strategies.
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