Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Enero-diciembre
E) Procesos de formación y actores de la educación

Educational intervention Epistemology

Laura Verónica Herrera Ramos
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, Campus Parral , México
Gerardo Roacho Payán
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, Campus Parral, México

Published 2016-09-01


  • Objeto,
  • intervención,
  • formación,
  • sociocrítica,
  • epistemología
  • Object,
  • intervention,
  • training,
  • social critic,
  • epistemology

How to Cite

Herrera Ramos, L. V., & Roacho Payán, G. (2016). Educational intervention Epistemology. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 3(1), 481-487. Retrieved from https://rediech.org/ojs/2017/index.php/recie/article/view/242


In this study, an analysis of the epistemological issues imbricated in the intervention project of the students of the degree in educational intervention (BEI) is presented. The study pursues, a double scientific object in the research of the BEI; the first, which has to do with "the problem", and the second, which has to do with "the intervention", constructed in an interdependent manner as objects of knowledge in the reflective analysis of reality and the search for its transformation. It is analyzed from the degree documentation of 10 generations, from 2006 to 2015, reflecting the methodological theoretical approaches of the intervention of the professors that support professional practices and the resources of intervention present in the curricula. To this end, we make use of the theoretical contributions of epistemology, the thought of complexity and critical thinking, leaving the seed of encounters and disagreements with the educational intervention.