Vol. 8 (2024): Publicación continua
E) Procesos de formación y actores de la educación

In-service teachers as tutors in the professional practice of Normal school students

Martha Patricia Aguilar Romero
Escuela Normal Número 3 de Toluca, Estado de México
Rocio Pichardo Farfán
Escuela Normal No. 3 de Toluca, Estado de México

Published 2024-12-31


  • In-service teacher,
  • Normal school student,
  • professional practice,
  • tutor
  • Docente en servicio,
  • estudiante normalista,
  • práctica profesional,
  • tutor

How to Cite

Aguilar Romero, M. P., & Pichardo Farfán , R. . (2024). In-service teachers as tutors in the professional practice of Normal school students. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 8, e2375. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v8i0.2375


This article is derived from the research study titled “Pedagogical relationships: In-service teachers and Normal school students in the context of professional practices in preschool.” It aims to highlight the role of in-service teachers as tutors for Normal school students who undertake professional practice as part of their initial training process. These practices facilitate learning during their time in basic education schools and represent the integration of the knowledge acquired in the courses comprising the training pathways of the undergraduate curriculum with real-life experiences. Therefore, immersion in the educational reality requires guidance and mentoring by an experienced teacher who accompanies the students throughout the process. In light of this necessity, the role of being a tutor for someone training to become a teacher is examined, emphasizing that this role involves not only guiding actions to fulfill an academic program but also fostering enthusiasm and passion in Normal school students for teaching and learning processes. Additionally, it highlights that the guidance provided by tutors can have a profound impact on the personal and professional lives of those in training.


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