Published 2024-12-31
- Bienestar subjetivo,
- educación en valores,
- escala de valores,
- universidades públicas,
- valores
- Subjective well-being,
- values education,
- values scale,
- public universities,
- public universities, values
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The school environment is becoming increasingly complex and challenging, with schools facing issues that must be addressed in interaction with the community and society at large. Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe subjective well-being and social values, as well as to identify the relationships between their dimensions among university students. The study employed a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, and correlational design. The sample was non-probabilistic and selected through deliberate sampling. The instruments used were the perma-profiler scale and the University Values scale. The most relevant results revealed that the majority of students have good levels of subjective well-being and moderate scores in most social values. Statistically significant positive associations were found between subjective well-being and social values, such as discipline, order, responsibility, punctuality, obedience, and saving. In conclusion, it is necessary to strengthen the academic work conducted within educational institutions to effectively and concretely promote actions that raise awareness among young people about the importance of physical, personal, and emotional well-being, as well as the relevance of their social values as fundamental aspects of their professional futures.
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