Vol. 8 (2024): Publicación continua
B) Diversidad, interculturalidad, género y sustentabilidad en la educación

Affinity to diversity among university students: A comparative study

Agustín Morales-Álvarez
Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México
Fernanda Inéz García-Vázquez
Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México
Mayra Karina Gálvez-Díaz
Instituto Tecnológico de Agua Prieta, Sonora, México

Published 2024-12-31


  • Diversidad,
  • inclusión,
  • estudiantes,
  • diferencias de género,
  • análisis comparativo
  • Diversity,
  • inclusion,
  • students,
  • gender differences,
  • comparative analysis

How to Cite

Morales-Álvarez, A., García-Vázquez, F. I., & Gálvez-Díaz , M. K. (2024). Affinity to diversity among university students: A comparative study. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 8, e2343. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v8i0.2343


Affinity for diversity is a variable that has gained relevance in research; however, it remains underexplored within university populations. The objective of this study was to identify levels of affinity for diversity among university students and to determine differences in these levels based on sex and the level of violence in their region of residence. A quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive, and comparative study was conducted. The study sample consisted of 402 university students from northwest Mexico (58% female) aged between 18 and 52 years (Mage = 21.20, SD = 4.75). Results suggest that students exhibit moderate-to-high levels of affinity for diversity; furthermore, it was found that women scored significantly higher in affinity for diversity than their male peers; however, no statistically significant differences were observed based on the level of violence in the region of residence. It is concluded that university students display a favorable predisposition toward individuals with different sociocultural, economic, and sexual backgrounds, which may facilitate the integration of social minorities.


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