Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Enero-diciembre
D) Currículum, conocimientos y prácticas educativas

The conceptions of curriculum and its impact on teaching practice

Juan Carlos Maldonado Payán
Centro de Investigación y Docencia, Chihuahua, México
Randú Rolando Rodríguez Chaparro
Centro de Investigación y Docencia, Chihuahua, México
Aries Muñoz Campos
Centro de Investigación y Docencia, Chihuahua, México

Published 2016-09-01


  • Escuelas multigrado,
  • currículo,
  • práctica pedagógica
  • Multi-grade schools,
  • curriculum,
  • teaching practice

How to Cite

Maldonado Payán, J. C., Rodríguez Chaparro, R. R., & Muñoz Campos, A. (2016). The conceptions of curriculum and its impact on teaching practice. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 3(1), 403-412. Retrieved from https://rediech.org/ojs/2017/index.php/recie/article/view/234


The following paper recounts the preliminary results of a research project which objective was to get to know the educational, social and material conditions of multi-grade schools in the state of Chihuahua. Approaching a mixed focus on two stages, the first phase corresponds to the quantitative stage; a Likert scale type survey answered by 878 teachers, is a 68.4%. The theoretical referents allowed the construction of the analysis of the curriculum, teaching practice and the work strategies. The first two dimensions of the analysis are presented, the results are about a conception of the curriculum by the teachers and teaching practice, there is no unique position before the four established theoretical postures: the curriculum as finished body of knowledge, learning experience, as a flexible system to concrete the educative practice or as a global project; the data shows a favorable inclined towards the currents utilized in the construction of the indicators of the research instrument, these were the behaviorism, constructivism, and cognitivism.