Evaluation of didactic intervention for Industrial Engineering students, through experience in the use of an interactive tool
Published 2024-12-20
- e-learning,
- interactivity,
- educational intervention,
- university didactics
- e-learning,
- interactividad,
- intervención educativa,
- didáctica universitaria
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The objective of this research is to analyze the experiences of students from the Industrial Management Engineering program in the use of technological tools for inventory management as part of a didactic intervention, with the purpose of allowing them to experience the use of real software tools employed in the industry during their training, thereby enriching their future pedagogical practice. The approach used was quantitative, involving the participation of 48 students divided into two groups of 24 each (same semester, different instructor). Students reported a greater sense of support with the inclusion of the technological variable in the didactic intervention, although some issues were noted regarding technological skills. These results will be highly valuable for the appropriate design of technological components in the development of each course, as they identify areas for improvement in technological infrastructure, teacher training, and student development.
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