Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): Enero-diciembre
E) Procesos de formación y actores de la educación

Reading comprehension in the students of the Universidad Tecnológica de Parral

Brenda Leonor Flores Sáenz
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, Campus Parral, México

Published 2017-01-02


  • Reading habits,
  • reading comprehension,
  • technological universities
  • Hábitos de lectura,
  • comprensión de lectura,
  • universidades tecnológicas

How to Cite

Flores Sáenz, B. L. (2017). Reading comprehension in the students of the Universidad Tecnológica de Parral. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 3(2), 1273-1280. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v3i2.2073


Evaluation of reading habits and the level of development of reading comprehension of the students of the third quarter of the morning shift of the career of Higher University Technician in Administration area Project Management and Evaluation of the Technological University of Parral. The results show that half of the students surveyed expressed a taste for reading, but the main reason for reading is to complete homework and schoolwork. There is little family influence towards the habit of reading, this, however, leads students to be more interested in recreational reading, more than half of students say that at home they only have ten or fewer books that are not textbooks, that can spark little to almost no interest in students to start reading.


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