Use of Bayesian networks for the analysis of the teaching-learning relationship considering learning styles and teaching methods
Published 2024-01-11
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The analysis of the tie between teaching styles, as well as those of learning as a fundamental part in scientific education, have become a focus of high attention in the world, an object of study for the training of competent people for the present and for the future of society, so demanded of the generation of analytical and systematic citizens within the scientific field. This document analyzes the way in which both learning styles and teaching methods affect the academic behavior of a student, together with a set of additional variables to the context that directly affect the achievement of students by performing an analysis and evaluation of the results of a sampling through the construction of Bayesian Networks. The present work collects information from 1,531 students and 1,531 teachers belonging to the Tecnológico Nacional de México, Ciudad Juárez Campus, regarding characteristics belonging to each character such as sociodemographics, teaching and learning styles were determined by applying the corresponding tests such as Honey and Alonso for learning styles.
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