Vol. 7 (2023): RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa (enero-diciembre)
C) Políticas y gestión en la educación

Strengths and weaknesses of academic cooperation at the University of Sonora

Juan Pablo Durand Villalobos
Universidad de Sonora, México
María Teresa López Báez
Universidad de Sonora, México

Published 2023-08-21


  • Higher education,
  • internationalization of higher education,
  • international academic cooperation,
  • international academic collaboration
  • Educación superior,
  • internacionalización de la educación superior,
  • cooperación académica internacional,
  • colaboración académica internacional

How to Cite

Durand Villalobos, J. P., & López Báez, M. T. (2023). Strengths and weaknesses of academic cooperation at the University of Sonora. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 7, e1907. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v7i0.1907


The aim of this study was to focus on the exploration of the mechanism of international academic cooperation, which has been promoted by the University of Sonora (UNISON). The overarching intention was to unravel and examine the inherent motivations, strategies employed, and impacts generated by both bilateral and multilateral agreements, with the aspiration of delineating the predominant style of cooperation within this educational institution. The theoretical and conceptual underpinning of the research was grounded in the postulates of power dependence theory and neoinstitutionalism. Methodologically, the research adopted a qualitative approach. To achieve this, a meticulous systematization of official documents was essential, a task facilitated by the use of maxqda 2020 software, which served as the tool for the collection and analysis of available information from the 1993-2021 period. This information encompassed institutional development plans, reports of outcomes produced by Rectors, and evaluation reports of results from the period 2014-2020. To deepen the study of this process and provide a holistic view of the multiple perspectives of university actors, interviews were conducted with high-level officials. Their role as institutional administrators proves to be a crucial factor in the realization of international cooperation actions.


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