Vol. 6 (2022): RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa (enero-diciembre)
A) Teoría, filosofía, historia e investigación sobre la investigación

The “Educational Inequalities in Chihuahua” area: Generalities of the state of knowledge

Romelia Hinojosa Luján
Investigadora independiente, Chihuahua, México

Published 2022-12-21


  • Educational research,
  • state of knowledge,
  • scientific production
  • Investigación educativa,
  • estado de conocimiento,
  • producción científica

How to Cite

Hinojosa Luján, R. (2022). The “Educational Inequalities in Chihuahua” area: Generalities of the state of knowledge. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 6, e1712. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v6i0.1712


This paper presents a general overview of what was found in the area of educational inequalities in the state of knowledge carried out by a team of researchers from Chihuahua. This area is made up of three subareas: Integration and educational inclusion, Inequality and social vulnerability, and Gender in education. The element that backbones the area is the fulfillment of human rights in the educational space: with indigenous migrant population, with people with disabilities, with women and people of gender-affective divergence. The state of knowledge shows the consolidation of the area in the 2009-2019 decade, unlike the states of knowledge of the previous decade in which it does not appear. The tool used is the Critical Theory and the methodological approach of this part is hermeneutics. The research found is robust and of quality, although some cases with inconsistencies are also found. The themes that were located obey to the historical context that is lived today.


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