Vol. 6 (2022): RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa (enero-diciembre)
D) Currículum, conocimientos y prácticas educativas

Theoretical bases for the study of Social Representations about Financial Education

Blanca Irene Ahumada Maldonado
TecNM Instituto Tecnológico de Cd. Jiménez / Centro de Investigación y Docencia, Chihuahua, México

Published 2022-12-21


  • Representaciones sociales,
  • educación financiera,
  • psicología económica
  • Social representations,
  • financial education,
  • economic psychology

How to Cite

Ahumada Maldonado, B. I. (2022). Theoretical bases for the study of Social Representations about Financial Education. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 6, e1688. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v6i0.1688


This paper presents the main theoretical aspects that must be taken into account in order to carry out a study on the conceptions that people have about financial education. According to the OECD, there is an economic illiteracy that afflicts the lives of people and the activities that they develop at an economic level, and this affects the development of countries. The Theory of Social Representations sustains how the conceptions of a term is influenced by the social practices of a community. Financial education is necessary for economic growth, and it includes the body of knowledge, techniques and skills that allow planning, managing, increasing and protecting individual and collective wealth. In the final part, some basic concepts of economic psychology are shown and how these influence the economic decision making of individuals and societies. The knowledge of social representations about the main economic aspects supports the design of a financial education program that contributes to informed decisions on economic matters.


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