An analysis and interpretation of the pedagogical knowledge of the content present in the intervention of two educators when teaching measurement
Published 2023-05-31
- Pedagogical content knowledge,
- preschool education,
- measurement,
- mathematical thinking
- Conocimiento didáctico del contenido,
- educación preescolar,
- medición,
- pensamiento matemático
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This research is about the teaching of measurement in preschool education, its objective is to analyze and interpret the pedagogical knowledge of the content present in the educators’ classes when teaching measurement. Like the literature specialized in the teaching of mathematics, it can be affirmed that to teach a content it is not enough to know what is taught, but it is necessary to have a specific knowledge from the teachers, which is called pedagogical knowledge of the content. This research report focuses on the knowledge of educators when teaching measurement in preschool. Measurement has been a content with little presence in the classrooms since other contents such as counting take precedence. It is qualitative research, through a case study, the pedagogical knowledge of the content present in the didactic planning and in the classes of two educators who belong to a rural school area was analyzed and interpreted. Through the analysis, the CPC categories proposed by Carrillo et al. (2014) are identified by favoring measurement in their students and new categories emerge. These findings allow to have a reference of the knowledge that the educators have acquired during their initial and continuous training to benefit this content.
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