Vol. 7 (2023): RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa (enero-diciembre)
D) Currículum, conocimientos y prácticas educativas

The disuse of the academic text in professional training

Yolanda Navarro Torres
Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Matehuala, San Luis Potosí, México

Published 2023-05-11


  • Higher education
  • Educación superior,
  • libros de texto

How to Cite

Navarro Torres, Y. (2023). The disuse of the academic text in professional training. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 7, e1663. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v7i0.1663


Books have been subject of research for a long time and for different reasons; the theme of this work presents a definition of the academic book, although it is not the most complete analysis, it fulfills its contextualization, and continues with the mention of the academic book characteristics in higher education. This work is part of the qualitative research methodology, it is a case study of non-probabilistic sampling. Once the obtained information was reviewed, the following conclusions were drawn: the students do not acquire academic books, they prefer the materials developed by their professors; they go to the school library to develop extracurricular competencies (culture, coferences, chess workshops and reading), but not necessarily to consult the academic books of their career. Although it is true that with the development of technologies books have been designed in different formats, it is important to note that academics prepare to produce texts more frequently from up-to-date materials.


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