Published 2022-08-05
- University students,
- entrepreneurial intention,
- psychological traits,
- intervention
- Estudiantes universitarios,
- intención emprendedora,
- rasgos psicológicos,
- intervención
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The objective of the study was to develop an entrepreneurial intention from associated psychological traits in university students through an intervention program. A quantitative methodology, pre-experimental design and a descriptive-correlational scope was used. 213 university students participated to whom the Entrepreneurial intention questionnaire was applied, which assesses entrepreneurial self-efficacy, achievement motivation, locus of control, risk propensity and proactive personality, as well as the General self-efficacy scale. The process was carried out in three phases, the first focused on the pre-test and, with it, the detection of needs; later the intervention program was designed and implemented in a workshop modality with a duration of 14 weeks, and finally the post-test was applied in order to detect changes. Within the ethical considerations, we had the informed consent of the participants, taking care of the criteria of confidentiality and anonymity. The results highlight changes in general self-efficacy, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, achievement motivation and locus of control; all increasing their levels after the intervention. It is concluded that there are psychological traits associated with entrepreneurial intention, which were improved by implementing a change strategy through a psychoeducational intervention program, thereby promoting an entrepreneurial spirit.
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