Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Enero-diciembre

The institutional and suicide risk in young people. Case study in students from Parral

Gerardo Roacho Payán
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, Campus Parral, México

Published 2021-12-10


  • Fenómeno suicida,
  • inferiorización,
  • institución escolar,
  • victimización
  • Phenomenon of suicide,
  • inferiorization,
  • school institution,
  • victimization

How to Cite

Roacho Payán, G. (2021). The institutional and suicide risk in young people. Case study in students from Parral. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 5(2), 351-361. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v5i2.1296


The study makes visible the phenomenon of suicide, through psychoanalysis, institutional analysis, ontology, and Derrida hauntology, while explaining and denouncing, on one hand, violent practices in school institutions that have emerged from the neoliberal approach itself, which socially institutes systemic and symbolic violence. It is through the wall of language that such violence is configured and can be analyzed. In other words, the wall of language is constituted par excellence in a differentiating ideological element (social class, gender, sexual diversity, and physical appearance, among others) and at the same time performative, which creates the bases of interrelation between the violent subject and the violated subject, whose result, in the latter, is inferiorization. On the other hand, it also explains and denounces, from the institutional analysis, the hidden or pathological aspects of school institutions as the presence of the phenomenon of suicide and the violence within it. Therefore, both the fallacy of its formative character and the fallacy of its singular character in the individualistic work of its teachers are highlighted. In addition, it is denounced with the exemplification of a case, not only the victimization of individuals who are subject to the suicidal phenomenon, but also the innocent look not only of schools, but of society and culture in the presence of the suicidal act, which hides and defines its guilt before its manifestation, and in which we are all actually guilty.


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